
title Ararza vol.27 - Young female figthter/Rape movie
contents totall(32min)
Notes This products has no scenes of torture and tentacle.(Only rape scene and etc, Please check by trailer and garally)


The inter-galactic underground crime organization, "Hunter," has acquired illegal gene manipulation technology.
In the Gaidar Ravine of the colonization planet, Hunter has exterminated the planet's colonists.
A Uni-police peace-keeping unit dispatched from Earth Site 7 to fight and destroy Hunter has encountered heavy resistance.
Now, sent by Site 7, Tomoko Imaizumi has arrived to rescue Mayumi, a Uni-police soldier taken prisoner by Hunter. 
Tomoko's mission is a heavy responsibility.
Unknown to the Uni-police, Hunter has been reenforcing its positions far more than expected, producing genetic monstrosities for which the Uni-police's weapons are no match. 

how to  All movie is based on Mpeg format.

We recommend you to get new codec for movie player.

You can get flash player at macromedia web site ==>

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